Film Festivals
Film festivals and movie premieres pose unique security concerns. Many spectators try to attend film festivals or movie premieres to see a certain actor or actress. Protection of the celebrity as well as the overall security of the event presents challenges. Proper planning, training and effective supervision are all key components to any successful security operation.
Effective crowd management is a major step in avoiding a disaster during any special event. Access control is also a key component as to who is allowed onto the premise. Criteria for getting into a facility or a VIP party can include tickets or a guest list.
Other risks include terrorism, medical emergencies, fires and traffic concerns to name a few.
At Protection Security Inc., our security management team manages the above. A strategic and effective plan will be executed between our staff and the events coordinator as well as the venue/facility manager. Crowd management, access control, communication equipment, VIP protection, traffic control, emergency medical operations, evacuations, fire prevention, terrorist/bomb threats, hazardous materials and fixed security posts are just an example of some of the details covered in pre-event briefings.
Please call us at 631-439-6842 for further information or to set up an appointment regarding security for your film festival or movie premier.